Authored by: Celia Dallas

VantagePoint: Fourth Quarter 2014

VantagePoint is a quarterly publication from our Chief Investment Strategist summarizing C|A’s total portfolio advice. Advice in Brief Slower global economic growth and high valuations are likely to result in lower returns over the next five to ten years than experienced over the last five-and-a-half years. In addition, we anticipate that QE’s ability to elevate…

VantagePoint: Third Quarter 2014

Advice in Brief Comparisons to 2007 are growing. A key distinction today is that policy rates in most developed economies remain near zero. With little inflationary pressure, this cycle could last another several years. This is neither a time to be ramping up nor pulling back risk taking. It is a time for diversification, modest…

VantagePoint: Second Quarter 2014

VantagePoint is a new quarterly publication from our Chief Investment Strategist summarizing C|A’s total portfolio advice. Advice in Brief Review portfolios to prepare for the prospect of continued tapering and ultimate tightening of monetary policy. Income-oriented assets that benefited the most from quantitative easing are likely to be hurt the worst as monetary policy normalizes,…

Emerging Markets – Navigating Through Rough Waters

EM equity valuations are the key driver of returns over the long term. The benefit from valuation mean reversion should be substantial, as EM equities trade at a 35% discount to DM equities and a 45% discount to U.S. equities, compared to our assumed fair value discount of 10%. We expect EM equities to remain…

Our View on 2014: It’s All Relative

Looking ahead to 2014 we are focused on several key themes, among them the evolution of global monetary policy, the likelihood of European equities exceeding diminished expectations, and the headwinds, risks, and opportunities associated with emerging markets equities.

Why Did I Diversify?

While simple 100% U.S. equity and stock/bond portfolios have outperformed highly diversified portfolios recently, highly diversified portfolios have delivered consistently superior returns over decades.

Spending Policy Changes: Endowments

In April 2009 a group of U.S. colleges and universities, museums and libraries, independent schools, and other institutions were invited to participate in a brief survey on spending policy as an update to a similar survey that was conducted in 2008. The survey asked about the policies in place, as well changes that were being…