Private Investment Series

“Mind the Gap” in US Venture Capital Valuations

Venture capital offers compelling returns for the stalwart long-term investor. The most relevant question for investors in any stage of venture is the potential impact of prevailing market conditions on ultimate returns. In this brief, we look at valuation data today and also use our proprietary data set of funds to review historical returns during periods when valuations reset.

Making Waves: The Cresting Co-investment Opportunity

Executive Summary Co-investing is gaining popularity and theoretically offers investors cost advantages and higher return potential. This report frames the opportunities and common pitfalls of co-investing, leveraging our aggregated data on co-investments and funds generating co-investment. Our analysis shows that co-investment returns have the potential to outpace private fund investment returns. Of over 100 buyout co-investments…

Declaring a Major: Sector-Focused Private Investment Funds

The competitive advantages and resulting return profile of sector specialists should not be ignored when constructing a long-term private equity portfolio While it seems clear that a sector specialist should outperform a generalist within their sector of focus, in this paper we introduce data to show that on average sector-focused managers do in fact outperform….

The Global Overhang (According to Goldilocks): Too Much, Too Little, or Just Right

Today’s estimated global overhang is $909 billion net of fees, with US private equity, European private equity, and real estate the primary contributors. With capital appearing to be deployed at a slower pace than historically, the overhang is larger than expected. Too much overhang and the pressure to put capital to work before it expires…