Research Publications Archive

Spending Policy Practices: 2020

Annual distributions from the endowment are a source of supplemental operating revenue for most endowed institutions. An institution’s endowment spending policy provides a basis for the calculation of the annual distribution, serving as a bridge that links the long-term investment portfolio and the enterprise. The data and analysis in this report provide an in-depth look at the various spending rule types that are used among our endowed clients. Also included are analysis on the endowment’s support of operations and effective spending rate.

Foundation Annual Investment Pool Returns: Calendar Year 2019

This report, based on a survey that Cambridge Associates administers annually to our foundation clients, summarizes returns, asset allocation, and other investment-related data for 115 foundations for the year ended December 31, 2019. Included in this year’s report are commentary and exhibits across five sections: Investment Portfolio Returns, Investment Policy, Portfolio Asset Allocation, Investment Manager Structures, Payout from the Long-Term Investment Portfolio, and Investment Office Staffing and Governance.

Review of Market Performance: Fiscal Year 2020

While US-China tensions began to slowly de-escalate in the the first half of FY 2020, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in the second half upended the investment landscape. Gold and US Treasuries were the big winners as investors rushed into safe havens, while central banks cut rates and expanded QE programs. Equities have mounted a remarkable comeback, while real assets generally remain quite depressed. This chart book presents returns and other market metrics for fiscal year 2020.

Racial Equity Investing: The Time Is Now

As we all grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic alongside widespread protests after the deaths of George Floyd and others, many asset owners are trying to determine how they can activate their investment portfolios to advance racial and social equity more broadly. We’ve identified three steps investors should take to help address racial inequities in an investment context.

Foundation Annual Flash Statistics Report: Calendar Year 2019

The Foundation Annual Flash Statistics Report provides a first look at the results of our 2019 Foundation Annual Investment Pool Returns survey. Included in the analysis are a summary of investment pool returns, asset allocation, and returns after spending for 115 foundations. Additionally, the report provides detailed data by institution on asset allocation. Look for…