Research Publications Archive

Endowment Spending to the Rescue?

The current health crisis is creating extraordinary financial disruptions for nonprofit enterprises. While institutional needs and resources are far from uniform, each must tread carefully and evaluate thoughtfully before making short-term spending decisions that will impact the institution forever.

Disruption, Liquidity Sources, and the Role of the Endowment

The global pandemic has created unprecedented challenges to the enterprises and financial circumstances of endowed institutions, requiring an extensive response. In June 2020, Cambridge Associates conducted a study focused on endowment spending and other sources of liquidity these institutions are turning to in order to manage the financial disruption.

Currency Views and Valuations

This chart book examines historical currency momentum, valuation, and fundamentals in nine key currencies—US dollar (USD), British pound (GBP), euro (EUR), Swiss franc (CHF), Japanese yen (JPY), Australian dollar (AUD), New Zealand dollar (NZD), Canadian dollar (CAD), and Singapore dollar (SGD)—to help investors understand how these currencies behave against other major currencies.