US PE/VC Benchmark Commentary: Third Quarter 2016

Third quarter 2016 returns for the Cambridge Associates LLC US Private Equity Index® and the Cambridge Associates LLC US Venture Capital Index® were 3.7% and 3.3%, respectively. The private equity index equaled its performance for the previous quarter, and the venture index produced its first positive quarter of the year, bringing its year-to-date return into positive territory as well.

US Manager Universe Statistics: Fourth Quarter 2016

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for fourth quarter 2016. The median US Small-Cap Value manager posted the highest median return for fourth quarter 2016 (10.7%) and the year (24.2%). The median Global ex US Bonds manager posted the lowest median return for fourth quarter 2016 (-6.9%), while the Global Growth Equity ex US median return was lowest for the year (-1.1%).

Brace for Volatility

In light of markets’ initial reaction to the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election, we wanted to remind clients of our approach to portfolio management by providing thoughts from our Chief Investment Strategist, Celia Dallas.