Authored by: Mary Cove

Quarterly Regulatory Update: First Quarter 2015

In This Edition Banking regulations continue to impact hedge funds FSOC moves forward in identifying systemically important financial institutions SEC’s 2014 report provides insight on trends in alternative funds FATCA implementation continues Assessing the Evolving Impact of Banking Regulation on Hedge Funds Hedge funds’ relationships with prime brokers unstable due to new regulations While increased…

Quarterly Regulatory Update: First Quarter 2014

Calendar year 2013 was an active year for financial regulatory developments as US regulators continued to work through the rulemaking requirements imposed on them by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank). European regulators were also active, addressing many systemic issues during calendar year 2013. The year 2014 is setting up…

The Endowment Model 2.0: A Success Story That Endures

The endowment model of investing is far from broken. Early adopters of the model continue to push forward, reaping impressive gains along the way. In this paper we provide a practitioner’s perspective on the endowment model, the experience of some early adopters of the strategy, and the execution of the model in the current environment.

Securities Lending: What a Difference Five Years Makes

Although the rate of increase has remained relatively constant over the past six years, total student charges, which include tuition, fees, and room & board charges, continue to rise. Our annual compendium of student charges includes high-to-low rankings, annual percentage increases, a comparison of rates of increase to inflation, and an appendix providing a 20-year…