Small-Cap Equities: Are They Worth the Risk?
When building return forecasts, be wary of extrapolating past periods of underperformance.
When building return forecasts, be wary of extrapolating past periods of underperformance.
How long will cash continue to be trash?
A revealing comparison of the FTSE Small-Cap and the Hoare Govett Indices.
Although inflationary pressures appear tame at the moment, the optimal time to invest in inflation-hedging products is when they are out of favor and relatively inexpensive.
Free-flowing global liquidity, improving economies, and rising earnings growth prospects pushed capital markets higher in 2003—will the same factors provide a fillip in 2004?
Despite skimpy yields, the European inflation-indexed market looks poised for rapid growth.
Risk outweighs reward in these key European markets.
Given the stunning performance of mid caps this year, is there still time to make a tactical allocation bet to this sector?
While the 20%+ rally in the United Kingdom seems to have legs, the surge in continental equities may be running out of fuel.
Private equity investors in Europe have outperformed their American counterparts over the past decade, and the gradual transformation of Europe’s economies should continue to provide them with a fillip in the future.