Authored by: Joe Comras

VantagePoint: Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty

Global inflation has been higher and more persistent than most economists anticipated. In this edition of VantagePoint, we evaluate current inflationary and deflationary crosscurrents and the implications for investors. We continue to believe that predicting the future path of inflation is difficult to do well and that the best protection is a well-constructed diversified portfolio designed to meet the asset owner’s risk tolerance, portfolio objectives, and spending needs.

Tighter US Monetary Policy May Limit Upside Potential of Risk Assets

Central banks across the globe are poised to raise policy rates in response to inflation concerns. By examining how US policy rates have impacted US risk assets historically, we consider how assets may react today. These tighter financial conditions may cap the upside potential for risk assets. Within equities and credit, the risks are particularly pronounced in growth stocks and investment-grade corporate bonds.

Inflationary Pressures Will Moderate Some in Second Half

Consumer price inflation is above pre-pandemic trend in the United States and Europe, while producer prices are surging seemingly everywhere. Consistent with consensus forecasts, we expect mounting inflation pressures to ease by second half 2022 as demand for goods abates and supply constraints moderate.

VantagePoint: Modern Portfolio Diversification

Investors are facing a challenging period for earning what they spend and achieving adequate portfolio diversification. With most DM sovereign bond yields near or below zero, expected returns for bonds are at all-time lows and diversification qualities are constrained. In this edition of VantagePoint, we evaluate defense and diversification options to identify a modern approach to diversification in this low-yield era.