The Forgotten 70%: Strategies for Pension Plans Accruing Benefits
Plans with active participants need a holistic, flexible risk budgeting approach—not a simple glide path
Plans with active participants need a holistic, flexible risk budgeting approach—not a simple glide path
After assessing the current environment of extremely low interest rates and its implications for defined benefit plans, we articulate our view on how to develop a flexible de-risking framework that takes into account today’s low yields. We contrast this to the more formulaic and mechanical “glide path” concept advocated by many pension industry participants. Defined…
Asset management and investment banking firms across the globe continue to develop a variety of liability driven investing (LDI)–focused products and solutions for the pension plan community; however, there remains broad confusion over the meaning of LDI. While most of these products and customized solutions attempt to hedge liability-related interest rate and inflation risks, such…