Governance and Management

Endowment Governance

The “secret sauce” to long-term investment success is, in most cases, the governance that guides and oversees the investment program. Governance plays the special role of steering endowments toward long-term goals, through good times and bad. Good governance is a steady presence that does not get overly confident or discouraged by a single decision or caught up in the latest trend. Good governance is rewarding for the institution it serves and the investment committee members who participate.

Spending Policy Practices: 2019

Annual distributions from the endowment are a source of supplemental operating revenue for most endowed institutions. An institution’s endowment spending policy provides a basis for the calculation of the annual distribution, serving as a bridge that links the long-term investment portfolio and the enterprise. The data and analysis in this report cover a variety of spending topics, including spending rule types, the endowment’s support of operations, and effective spending rates.

Mission-Related Investing: Insights and Perspectives

Investor approaches to mission-related investing (MRI) are as varied as the social and environmental outcomes they seek to achieve. Based on responses from 148 clients—54 of which are engaged in mission-related investing—this chart book explores trends in the structure, implementation, and governance of MRI programs; investor motivations and perceived challenges; and expectations for future growth in MRI investment activity. 

Spending Policy Practices: 2018

Annual distributions from the endowment are a source of supplemental operating revenue for most endowed institutions, as an institution’s spending policy serves as a bridge that links the long-term investment portfolio and the enterprise. The data and analysis in this report cover a variety of spending topics including spending rule types, the endowment’s support of operations, and effective spending rates. This year’s report draws on a supplemental study Cambridge Associates conducted in April 2018 to dive deeper into some technical factors of spending policy, specifically focusing on spending from new endowment gifts.

Liability-Hedging Handbook: A Guide to Best Practices for US Pension Plans

For many pension plans, investment strategy is often structured with a liability-hedging portfolio and a growth portfolio, with the weight and composition of each determined by a strategic asset allocation or a de-risking glidepath. Within this overall structure, the construction and calibration of the liability-hedging portfolio is integral to effective pension asset management. This report focuses exclusively on the liability-hedging portfolio, delineating key considerations and best practices for single-employer defined benefit plans including those sponsored by corporations, health care institutions, non-profit organizations, and certain partnerships.