Peer Data

Annual Analysis of Foundation Investment Pool Returns: Calendar Year 2016

This report reviews portfolio returns, asset allocation, investment management structures, and payout characteristics for 112 foundations. Analysis and exhibits include performance attribution, risk analytics, policy portfolio benchmarking, the impact of private investment programs on portfolio liquidity, the use of external managers by asset class, payout rates, payout distribution components, and payout objectives.

Spending Policy Practices: 2017

Setting an appropriate spending policy is an important part of effective endowment management, as an institution’s spending policy serves as a bridge that links the long-term investment portfolio and the enterprise. The data and analysis in this report cover a variety of spending topics including spending rule types, the endowment’s support of operations, and effective spending rates. This year’s report draws on a supplemental study Cambridge Associates conducted in March 2017 to dive deeper into the topics of spending policy implementation and factors that may lead to policy changes.