Hedge Funds

A Changed Investment Landscape Is Providing Greater Opportunity for US Corporate Pensions

Plan sponsors are strategizing for growth and managing risk in a significantly different investment environment. To accomplish their goals, it is imperative that these changes be taken into consideration. By taking a fresh look at their investment strategies and plan management, organizations have an opportunity to adapt, evolve, and reap significant benefits.

2024 Outlook: Hedge Funds

We expect equity long/short strategies will outperform their long-term average, due partly to the considerable rise in short rebates. This expectation is also linked to our view that global equity volatility will increase due to our economic expectation and ongoing geopolitical crises.

Review of Market Performance: Fiscal Year 2023

Risk assets enjoyed mostly positive returns in fiscal year 2023. Equities rebounded as fears over the severity of a possible recession moderated. Emerging markets equities lagged developed markets as the pace of reopening in China disappointed. Bond performance improved as credit assets posted positive returns but developed markets sovereign bonds struggled. Real assets suffered due to higher interest rates and slowing demand.