
US Manager Universe Statistics: Second Quarter 2018

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for second quarter 2018. The median US Small-Cap Growth manager posted the highest median return for both second quarter 2018 (8.7%) and the one-year period ending June 30, 2018 (25.4%). The median Emerging and Frontier Markets Equity manager posted the lowest median return for second quarter 2018, returning -8.6%, and the median Emerging Markets Debt manager suffered the worst performance for the one-year period ending June 30, 2018 (-1.6%).

US Manager Universe Statistics: First Quarter 2018

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for first quarter 2018. The median Global ex US Bonds manager posted the highest median return for first quarter 2018, returning 3.5%. Global ex US Small-Cap Equity managers posted the best returns for the one-year period ending March 31, 2018, with a median return of 26.4%. The median US REITs manager posted the lowest median return for both first quarter 2018 (-6.5%) and for the one-year period ending March 31, 2018 (-1.1%).

Emerging Markets Equity Manager Performance: 2017

Despite exceptional overall returns, more than 55% of active emerging markets equity managers underperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets Index gross of fees in 2017, marking the first time since 2009 that the majority have underperformed in back-to-back years. This chart book is our annual summary of the absolute and relative performance of managers that report to our database.

US Manager Universe Statistics: Fourth Quarter 2017

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for fourth quarter 2017. The median US Growth Equity ex Small-Cap manager posted the highest median return for fourth quarter 2017, returning 6.8%. Emerging & Frontier Markets Equity managers posted the best returns for the one-year period ending December 31, 2017, with a median return of 36.8%. The median US Intermediate-Term Bonds manager posted the lowest median return for fourth quarter 2017 (0.0%), while the median Cash Management return was lowest for the one-year period ending December 31, 2017 (1.1%).

US Manager Universe Statistics: Third Quarter 2017

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for third quarter 2017. The median Global ex US Small-Cap Equity manager posted the highest median return for both third quarter 2017 and the one-year period ending September 30, 2017, returning 8.6% and 23.6% for the respective periods. The median Cash Management manager posted the lowest median return for third quarter 2017 (0.3%), while the US REITs median return was lowest for the one-year period ending September 30, 2017 (0.4%).

Latin American Private Equity Limited Partners Opinion Survey

Cambridge Associates partnered with the Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LAVCA) to conduct an annual survey of global institutional investors about their views on Latin American markets. The survey report covers both domestic and international investors’ views of private equity opportunities and challenges in Latin America, based on responses from 103 limited partners.

US Manager Universe Statistics: Second Quarter 2017

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for second quarter 2017. The median Global ex US Small-Cap manager posted the highest return for the quarter (8.9%), while the median Emerging and Frontier Markets manager posted the highest return for the trailing one-year period (24.0%). The median Cash Management manager posted the lowest return for the quarter (0.3%); for the trailing one-year period, the median Global ex US Bonds manager posted the lowest return (-0.6%).

US Manager Universe Statistics: First Quarter 2017

This chart book presents representative long-only and hedge fund manager performance for first quarter 2017. The median Emerging and Frontier Markets Equity manager posted the highest return for the quarter (11.9%), while the median US Small-Cap Value manager posted the highest return for the trailing one-year period (23.7%). The median Cash Management manager posted the lowest return for the quarter (0.3%); for the trailing one year, the median manager in only one strategy, Global ex US Bonds, posted a negative return (-1.3%).