Authored by: Ming Yan

Right-Sizing Private Investments for the Evolving Pension

Most defined benefit plans–including public, multi-employer, and even frozen corporate plans–can benefit from private investment (PI) strategies. Despite this, many plan sponsors still abruptly cut off PI commitments or do not optimize their usage as the plan matures. This paper explores how plan sponsors should utilize PI strategies within their toolkit and customize their composition over time to reflect a plan’s evolving goals.

Liability-Hedging Handbook: A Guide to Best Practices for US Pension Plans

For many pension plans, investment strategy is often structured with a liability-hedging portfolio and a growth portfolio, with the weight and composition of each determined by a strategic asset allocation or a de-risking glidepath. Within this overall structure, the construction and calibration of the liability-hedging portfolio is integral to effective pension asset management. This report focuses exclusively on the liability-hedging portfolio, delineating key considerations and best practices for single-employer defined benefit plans including those sponsored by corporations, health care institutions, non-profit organizations, and certain partnerships.